Along Yihe Road, unfolds half a tale of the Republic's past.
Nestled in Nanjing's ancient capital, Yihe Mansions graces the storied Yihe Road—a bastion of Republican-era culture and leisure. Its 26 villas, each echoing a distinct style of the period, include former abodes of notable figures and embassies, rich with the era's cultural heritage.
Authenticity emanates from the heart. "We brush history's dust aside, revealing the essence of an age gone by." More than mere restoration, it's a pilgrimage through the reverence of ancient civilizations, forging a cultural creed. Visiting Yihe Mansions isn't just a stay—it's immersing in a memorable "Republic Era Saga."
Discover Yihe Road, where history's elegance is framed by yellow walls and ancient elms. Yihe Road encapsulates the Republican narrative. Created as an elite enclave post-1927, it's an enduring cultural landmark in Nanjing. Beyond the vanished opulence, the heritage persists, with Yihe Road narrating decades of Nanjing's transformations. Wander its length and let the Republican charm deepen with every step, as the past comes vividly to life.